Evolution Of Traditional Animation Technique To Digital Masterpiece
Some of the best childhood memories are those lazy Sunday mornings spent watching cartoons. Whether it was the unforgettable rivalry between a mischievous cat and a clever mouse, or a carrot-loving rabbit cracking jokes, animated shows have always captured our imagination. Animation has evolved dramatically over the years, especially in places like Japan, the USA, and Korea. Today, animation is a huge part of both entertainment and business, bringing stories to life through video marketing and storytelling . In simple terms, animation is the art of making pictures move. This goes back to early human history, as far back as the Paleolithic age. Today, animation is mostly known for lively cartoon characters who bring stories to life. The history of animation technology showcasing moving art pieces and images changed over years. Now in a world where computer and internet technology helps create some terrific animated videos very much enjoyed by diversified assemb...